Ethiopia Hambella Buku Abel - King of Flowers 布穀阿貝兒 花魁王 – COFFEE ICON
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Ethiopia Hambella Buku Abel - King of Flowers 布穀阿貝兒 花魁王

RM 60.00

Ethiopia Guji Hambela Buku Abel natural G1(花魁王)King of Flowers 

2024 Harvest 

Region: Oromia  Guji  Hambela Wamela

Variety :  Heirloom

Altitude : 2,300 M

Process : Africa bed Natural 

Roasted Level : Light Roasted 

Flavor : Florals, Peach,Orange, Litchi, Earl Gray Tea  

Weights : 200g

布榖阿貝兒(Buku Abel)位於衣索比亞(Ethiopia)東南方,在谷吉(Guji)罕貝拉(Hambela)一帶,一個海跋極高2300公尺的原始林部落,人口約3萬人,就像是大多數衣索比亞的咖啡園一樣,是在野生的原始林間成長,咖啡農在此世世代代的傳承,並栽種原生香蕉,並將當地原生的咖啡樹種穿插栽種在香蕉樹林中,此村莊大部份為莊園家族所擁有,原始林間並且有養牛,羊,馬等,在山林間悠遊自在。由於家族擁有千年的經驗,對於咖啡後製能夠非常精確處理。產區所生產的咖啡經過專業培育,咖啡櫻桃長得火紅將轉黑含糖份極高時採摘,並且以竹子編織為非洲棚架日曬,在高海跋但陽光紫外線非常充足下做日曬處理,於非洲床上不斷翻動,日曬8~12日即可完成。

DW咖啡種植者和出口商根據埃塞俄比亞法律註冊成立,從事埃塞俄比亞綠色阿拉比卡咖啡向全球的出口。該公司由 Demissie Edema 先生擁有,他是古吉地區知名的咖啡種植者和供應商,已有 22 年歷史。由於業主從小就擁有豐富的咖啡種植經驗。


公司強調精品咖啡「微氣候、單一產地」的原則,在古吉區Hambella Wamena Woreda建立了五個獨立的精品咖啡乾燥站。該公司還擁有自己的有機咖啡農場。位於 Guji Zone Kercha Woreda 的 117 公頃有機咖啡農場。

位於古吉地區Hambella Wamena Woreda的27公頃有機咖啡農場。

DW 咖啡出口有限公司以其精品咖啡而聞名,該咖啡是從自有農場和外包種植者那裡採集紅熟咖啡櫻桃,然後在緊鄰古吉區咖啡種植區的高架咖啡乾燥床上乾燥而製成的。


DW 是埃塞俄比亞咖啡出口商協會和 AFCA(非洲精品咖啡協會)的成員。



DW Coffee grower and exporter has been registered and established under the Ethiopian law and engaged in the export of the Ethiopian Green Arabica coffee worldwide. The company owned by Mr. Demissie Edema who is well known coffee grower and supplier from Guji zone for the past 22 years. As the owner has good experience in coffee farming starting from his infancy stage.


The company has five washed coffee pulping stations at Guji Zone & four unwashed coffee processing industry.

The company gives emphasize for the principles of speciality coffee “micro climate and single origin “to do so It has established five separate specialty coffee drying stations with in Hambella Wamena Woreda of Guji Zone.

The company also has its own organic coffee farm.117 ha of organic coffee farm at Guji Zone Kercha Woreda.

27 ha of organic coffee farm located in Hambella Wamena Woreda of Guji Zone.

DW Coffee Export Plc. is well known by its speciality coffee prepared by collecting only red –ripe coffee cherries from its own farm and out-grower farmers then drying on raised coffee drying beds established in close proximity to coffee growing areas of Guji Zone.


DW won the majority  of 2015/2016, 2016/2017 & 2017/2018 crop year regional and national taste of harvest competition award.

DW has been a member of the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association & AFCA (African Fine coffee Association).

We export the best Ethiopian Arabica coffee of all categories (Specialty coffees, Sundried, washed).

The company acquire a group of efficient, dependable and sincere professionals who are graduates of higher institutions with M.A and M.SC. Our professional staffs have several years of experience in coffee production, processing and trading.


- Keep the coffee beans away from air, moisture, light and heat !!

- Keep coffee beans or grounded beans in air tight container !!

- Keep coffee bean in a dry & cool place !!


- For coffee beans with WASHED PROCESS- 1 WEEK !!

- For coffee beans with NATURAL PROCESS - 2 WEEKS !!


➜ 100% Arabica Coffee Beans /100%阿拉比卡咖啡  !!

➜ Single Origin Specialty Grade Coffee Beans / 精品高山豆  !!

➜ Every Week Roasted Coffee Bean /每週烘培上架咖啡豆 !!

➜ High-quality control of sorting out defective beans / stones process / 手工挑除瑕疵豆  !!


✅ We supply for wholesale, for any inquiries contact Ray 012-763 9266 !!

✅ We offer coffee grinding services for Our Coffee Beans Only !!

✅ Kindly inform us of your brewing method, if a grinding service is required !!  

====== Our Shop =======

【🏚️Adress 】:B-G-11,Prima Avenue , The Tube , Jalan PJU 1/39,Dataran Prima ,47301,Petaling Jaya ,Selangor  (Opposite the 7-eleven) 

【☎️Phone】(03)7622 5525 / 018-406 8281 (實體門市有保障.品質看的到 / Wholesales or Retail Server Line )

【🕰️Time 】:9:00 至 18:00  = The store is closed on Sunday, The Online shop will be shipped on Monday.


【Stores accepe Cash and Credit Cards. E-Wallet service/ 門巿收現金/信用卡/電子錢包】

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